Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been 1 Year!

It was one year ago tonight that those in the picture above were "cleaning the kitchen" while Abbey and I went outside to start the camp fire.

After having to run back to get lighter fluid on the damp evening, we had a nice fire and a wonderful time together, which ended with me on one knee and a ring on her finger. We look forward to many more wonderful days, months and years together.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Finally some updates

While my parents and siblings were in California, the rest of us married kids spent some time falling trees at my parent’s house. Here is a video of the easy one that came down. The other tree we took down was leaning towards the house, thanks to Jeremy’s skill, a rope and Jonathan’s truck it fell away from the house.

Laying Hardwood Flooring

With the help Jeremy, Joseph, Jonathan, Luke, Ethan, Nathan and Tom we got the floors laid in a few days.

Joseph did a great job sanding...and sanding...and sanding.

Jeremy also spent a couple days helping out.

Thanks you all for your help!


Wendy and...

...Joanna were a lot of help with the painting.

We had to ask them to tone down their creativity for the day, and paint the entire wall one color. :)

Jessica got into the act as well.

Abbey did a little but spent most of the day...

...outside with Justin who tried very hard to help.